That helped accelerateeconomic growth and attract record foreign investment to the Andean nation.
Wahlroos also said Europe still faces a structural crisis, as it struggles to accelerateeconomic growth.
If Gandhi & the Congress Party are to stay in power they must accelerateeconomic development.
Yameen has denied any wrongdoing and said that he took on loans to accelerateeconomic development.
This is great news for the African economy as a whole and is likely to accelerateeconomic development.
Māori are being urged to take advantage of communications technologies to help accelerateeconomic development in their communities.
The country hopes its new status as a signed-up member of the international trading system will accelerateeconomic growth.
But Modi will still come up against the fundamental tension between his nationalism and his desire to accelerateeconomic development.
French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron put the onus on Germany, saying it must invest more while France must accelerateeconomic reforms.
Small island developing states must position themselves to take full advantage of opportunities to improve standards of living and accelerateeconomic growth.
But statistics, anecdotes and case histories all demonstrate that the one thing aid cannot reliably do is to start or accelerateeconomic growth.
What matters to it is the formation of an effective government that will accelerateeconomic recovery and improve the quality of their lives.
They cite a combination of compelling valuations and a likely decline in the value of the dollar that will help accelerateeconomic growth.
China has accelerated capital market reforms to aid a virus-hit economy, accelerateeconomic restructuring and fund a "tech war" with the United States.
Jokowi swept in on promises to tackle corruption, clear the way for foreign investment and accelerateeconomic growth, which has flatlined at near 5%.
By the government's own reckoning, India needs $800 billion a year in investments to accelerateeconomic growth to 7 percent from closer to 5 percent.