So they send me pictures, so I can acculturate myself.
Dutiful women, living for centuries, would raise and acculturate hundreds of children, each one trained to star-spanning pioneer values.
Recent immigrants and the least acculturated are least likely to be screened.
Many are now totally acculturated since the 1950s by missionaries, he said.
However, less acculturated Hispanic partners were most vulnerable to decision regret.
We're gonna talk about ways in which this society acculturates self, and power, and roll.
From blue-eyed soul to straight-up theft, Black music has long been imitated and acculturated by Whites.
Alcohol intake has been associated with higher blood pressure in acculturated populations but not in unacculturated societies.
Boys wait their turn to be men with the upper hand, girls become acculturated to becoming powerless women.
Body mass has been consistently associated with blood pressure in acculturated populations but not in lean populations with low blood pressures.
Family -for very good reasons that evolution probably acculturated in our common humanity -will not want to let you go.
She has become acculturated again; the Sonia of Georgetown, of cocktails parties and seminars, the Sonia of the therapist's office, has quite faded.
Maybe not a bad move when dealing with people who have been acculturated to be more reasonable, to get along with each other.
However, all such peoples either practice at least some food production or are the partly acculturated last remnants of the world's former hunter-gatherer societies.
Once acculturated to family life, Nim would presumably be motivated by the same mysterious factors that move human children to learn how to communicate.
He had been accustomed to meeting tribes that had been conquered by whites and acculturated by force, their members weakened by disease and brutality.