Societies will become transparent as data turns into actionableinformation and flows freely.
And how much actionableinformation is there for me in that.
So there hasn't been a lot of clear actionableinformation derived from clients above that chatter level.
Objectives: Parents need meaningful and actionableinformation if they are to reduce household environmental health risks to their children.
India says it gave Pakistan "specific and actionableinformation" regarding the Pathankot air base attack on Tuesday.
These products allow access to real-time, actionableinformation to help improve livestock management and health outcomes, Merck said in a statement.
Motivation: Computational methods are essential to extract actionableinformation from raw sequencing data, and to thus fulfill the promise of next-generation sequencing technology.
Half-baked studies don't just produce misleading results-theyalso steal attention and precious resources from projects that have a real chance of producing actionableinformation.