This they seem to be enabled to do from the rugose structure of their feet, with which they adherestrongly to the smoothest surface.
Biofilm is formed when the bacteria adherestrongly to the surfaces of the tubes, providing protection against various types of aggression, such as antibiotic treatment.
Decomposed Mica Slate.-Colourwhite; yields to the knife; adheresstrongly to the tongue.
The native cotton was of short staple, and adheredstrongly to the seed.
Decomposed Feldspar.-Colourpale rose-pink; very fine grained; easily scratched with the knife; adheresstrongly to the tongue.
Strain 042 adheredstrongly to T84 cells but not to Caco-2 cells.
We have previously described that a strain of Salmonella Heidelberg with a hypermutator phenotype, B182, adheredstrongly to HeLa cells.
The fused chloride can be removed from the crucible (to which it adheresstrongly) by digesting with dilute acid and zinc.
Connectome topology analyses revealed that transitions involving sensorimotor states traversed short and intermediary distances and adheredstrongly to communication mechanisms of network diffusion.