The fee charged for admission.
Examples for "admission "
Examples for "admission "
1 Students apply for admission to agriculture and take a common first year.
2 There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place.
3 Gift aid your ticket and you get free admission for a year.
4 Interpretation: Most NICU deaths occurred within the first few days after admission .
5 The market admission will take place on May 10, the bookrunner said.
1 Hiking will only costs you the 15 Malaysian ringgit park entrance fee .
2 We paid our threepence entrance fee in the stone hall and went upstairs.
3 A visit is worth every pound of the £18 entrance fee .
4 Now, anyone willing to pay the entrance fee can experience this extraordinary palace.
5 One visitor even suggested paying the entrance fee with invisible money.
1 His idea of holiday heaven was a museum without an admission charge .
2 There is no admission charge to Little League games; the charter expressly forbids it.
3 No admission charge (supper is free also) and pre-booking not necessary.
4 Grudgingly I paid the admission charge and went in.
5 The admission charge covers both of you.
1 The picture that adorns this LP is worth the admission price alone.
2 But before she buzzes us through, there's an admission price to pay.
3 The higher admission price includes a copy of the new album.
4 If you have the admission price , one tiny piece of information.
5 The tickets, glossy and professional-looking, showed an unexpectedly high admission price .
1 Both exhibits are free with the price of admission to the museum.
2 I'd advise you to remember just what the price of admission is.
3 The discovery of this fact is alone worth the price of admission .
4 The price of admission to the Exhibition is a significant matter also.
5 By the way, I think-I'm gonna lower the price of admission .
1 I cannot even scrape together enough for entrance money to a Club.
2 His goal 11 minutes into the second half was worth the entrance money alone.
3 I would have to find the entrance money myself.
4 I will go on sitting and drinking, because this is a public-house and I paid my entrance money .
5 They plodded steadily on under a blazing sun to the other gate, at which a man stood to collect the entrance money .
1 For a start there was no nagging for money, no 'voluntary' admission fee .
2 This means there is no admission fee or the need to book tickets.
3 No waiting room, no trolleys, no queues, no admission fee and free parking.
4 Although the admission fee was half-a-dollar, upwards of a thousand persons were present.
5 You ought to have charged that large and respectable audience an admission fee !
6 They charged a small admission fee and the profit went to the Red Cross.
7 Only the priests of the faith and their friends are invited - no admission fee - you understand ?
8 Council members voted unanimously to effectively ban so-called pot clubs that charge an admission fee .
9 Inside, an elderly man sat on a tiny stool, waiting to charge an admission fee .
10 Many events come with a steep admission fee .
11 She paid the admission fee , and went in.
12 He walked purposefully up to the stone gate, paid his admission fee , and disappeared into the tower.
13 The concert would be well worth an admission fee and an hour's confinement in a stuffy hall.
14 An admission fee of fifty cents kept out the rabble, and not more than 300 were present.
15 The Webers don't charge an admission fee .
16 As no admission fee was to be charged the select few determined to be present at the entertainment.
Other examples for "admission fee"
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