The man also admittedindecently assaulting a 12 year old boy in Dublin.
He has also admittedindecently assaulting her two days earlier in a public park.
He has also admittedindecently assaulting the girl days earlier.
A former hypnotist from Derry who admittedindecently assaulting ten women will be sentenced next week.
A former vice-principal at a leading Northern Ireland grammar school has walked from court after he admittedindecently assaulting three female pupils.
A FORMER priest has admittedindecently assaulting a number of boys at different locations in the diocese of Meath, including a parochial house.
London - A former music teacher at one of Britain's leading grammar schools yesterday admittedindecently assaulting four teenage boys during the late 1980s.
A 66-year-old Louth man who admittedindecently assaulting two boys in the 1960s and 1970s was yesterday jailed for nine months at Dundalk District Court.