The film will be released in selected South Africancinemas on the 16th of March.
When is It being released in South Africancinemas?
It's time to go BIG again! say the members of the South Africancinema industry committee.
It has just opened in South Africancinemas.
She also explained how South Africancinema seems to be booming in these times of global crisis.
On 5 November, Film Africa presents Bonfires and Revolutions: an evening of politics and protest in Africancinema.
Incredibles 2 will be in all South Africancinemas from Friday 15 June 2018.
Fried Barry is like nothing else to emerge from South Africancinema before and promises to be a festival high point.
Since the mid 1970s, such griots have woven their way through Africancinema, literally wandering on screen, interpreting events and turning fact into fable.
The formidable Russian director Andrei Zvyagintsev will be there with his Leviathan and from Mauritania, Abderrahmane Sissako will represents new Africancinema with Timbuktu.
The Zack Snyder directed film is set to make a big mark in South Africancinemas after releasing on Friday the 17th of November.
Corlize Luttig, marketing manager for the South Africancinema chain Ster-Kinekor, who represent Sony in South Africa, said they had no comment on the request.
Film Africa 2013 also includes a new strand, 3 x 3, featuring three films from major names in Africancinema.
Africancinema is angry, but it is too busy working out how Africans should live with other Africans to deal with the matter of revenge.
South Africancinema fans were left devastated as Inxeba (The Wound) missed the cut for best foreign language movie after being shortlisted for the award.