Left ventriculogram showed akinesis of the left ventricle except in the basal region.
A left ventriculogram showed akinesis of the inferior segment, and three years later, she was asymptomatic.
A left ventriculogram showed akinesis of the inferior segment and a coronary angiogram five years later showed marked resolution of the dissection.
Flow in the affected artery was re-established or maintained significantly less frequently when simple hypokinesis or akinesis was present at the first study.
PMID: 3249260 A left ventriculogram showed akinesis of the inferior segment and a coronary angiogram five years later showed marked resolution of the dissection.
However, her ventriculogram showed basal and anterior akinesis.Case 2: A 62-year-old Caucasian woman began having substernal chest pain that radiated to her shoulder blades.