Phosphate pollution, from a number of sources, is blamed for the excessive algalgrowth.
The naturally occurring Red Tide phenomenon, which causes a toxic algalgrowth, almost ruined the industry.
Excessive levels of phosphorus have increased algalgrowth and led to a strongly eutrophic condition, the EPA says.
When corals' surfaces are clear from algalgrowth, new baby corals can then settle on them and grow.
Fo90 was capable of stimulating snow algalgrowth and increased the algalgrowth rate in otherwise Fe-depleted cocultures.
Low river levels can cause aquatic life to become stressed or die, as well as raising river temperatures and encouraging algalgrowth.
The council said parts of the river were prone to algalgrowth in the summer because of low water levels and higher temperatures.
Photo: RNZ Wellington Regional Council, health officials and Upper Hutt City Council say an increase in algalgrowth has been detected in the river.
The recent spell of fine weather had caused the river to drop and, combined with warm temperatures, that meant ideal conditions for algalgrowth.
We've recently discovered that the Marinthian civilization was destroyed by an interaction between their polluted waste and an algalgrowth unique to this area.
Algalgrowth in the town's reserve water supply makes the water smell a little mouldy.
Continued research on nutrient- algal relationships to better define the principal chemical factors which result in nuisance algalgrowths, particularly in the Potomac estuary.