The man was staring at him fixedly, with an almostunhinged intensity.
The shock almostunhinged his soul and reason.
She gave me the impression of being mentally almostunhinged by the sudden anticlimax of helplessness after over-confidence.
The black cat languidly rose to its feet, whiskers atwitch, and yawned so tremendously its jaw looked almostunhinged.
Evidently the shock had almostunhinged his mind, and he was merely giving expression to the fugitive thoughts that came to him.
I was here looking after my parents-George ,whosemind was almostunhinged by the family disgrace, having gone abroad with his wife.
TV show so funny it's almostunhinged A crass, almost sadistic black comedy is a delicate balance of cringe humour and laugh-out-loud funnies.
Still she scarcely dared to hope that the thing was true; that thing which her miraculous escape had suggested to a mind almostunhinged.
The sketchbook, an extraordinary document of almostunhinged passion for nature, contains surely the most uncanny drawing of a donkey in all art history.
The slight noise was due to the door of the study, which great age had distorted and bereft of sense, and, in fact, almostunhinged.