He must have realized that he was in an almostuntenable position.
Several of its guns were dismounted, and the whole place rendered almostuntenable.
His driving cock created a hot, delicious friction, an almostuntenable pressure that made her frantic.
Truth to say, the theory of intelligence in the animal would be so extraordinary as to be almostuntenable.
Former National Party leader Don Brash is calling for Massey University's vice-chancellor to consider her position, saying it's " almostuntenable".
Not until they had been placed in comparative safety did the rest of the men withdraw from their now almostuntenable position.
Speaking from China, he said he considered Professor Thomas' position almostuntenable and told RNZ that he believes she was "totally misleading".
They were shallow lines then, for the inundation made the country almostuntenable, and a charge in force from the Belgians across was unlikely.
Speaking from China, Dr Brash said he considered Professor Thomas' position almostuntenable and told RNZ that he believes she was "totally misleading".
His position soon became almostuntenable, not because he had given this information, but because the information and the inference made from it were correct.
He could no longer deny the fact that her position was difficult-almostuntenable.