Almost 40 percent of Armenianwomen have had at least one abortion, according to UNFPA.
This is also true of the young Armenianwoman.
An Armenianwoman came through here the other day.
Two middle-aged Armenianwomen fled from the shop when told a journalist wanted to speak about Erdogan's warning.
It is worthy of note that Mr. Dwight's first formal sermon to Armenianwomen, was in May, 1843.
Crimes that have been, and are being, practiced upon Armenianwomen are too cruel and horrible for words.
Greek, Turkish, and Armenianwomen may only be spectators of these games from a distance; they therefore occupy the adjoining heights.
The Armenianwoman, in her ample and speckless white robes, her semi-covered face, and beautiful soft black eyes, is occasionally captivating.
Slideshow (5 images) In Sunday's clashes, Armenian right activists said an ethnic Armenianwoman and child had also been killed.
Her plight recalls the rape of an Armenianwoman by Turks that Nazaret saw in Turkey but could do nothing to stop.
Missionary work in Persia-Educationaland medical work-NoMahommedan converts-Bibles-Julfa- Armenian settlement-Conservative customs- Armenianwomen-Their education-The Armenian man-Europeans-A bird's-eyeview of Isfahan-Armenian graveyard-A long bridge-The Rev.
She vanished into the dark doorway, and in her place there appeared on the threshold an old bent, red-faced Armenianwoman wearing green trousers.
There were hellish chronicles of Armenianwomen and children driven like cattle from desert to desert, outraged and flogged and starved by the thousand.
An Armenianwoman had inspired a violent passion in a young Turkish gentleman, but her prudence was long an obstacle to her lover's desires.