And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascendingout of the earth.
Some minds are forever restrained from descending into nature; others are forever prevented from ascendingout of it.
They were standing together in the corridor of the train, slowly ascendingout of Italy towards the San Gothard tunnel.
Towards morning the eruption began to subside, and by daylight dense smoke only was seen ascendingout of the crater.
All that respects the individual is temporary and prospective, like the individual himself, who is ascendingout of his limits, into a catholic existence.
The immensity of the thing seemed to reach up to him with a thousand lines, ridges, canyons, all ascendingout of a purple gulf.
Ascendingout of earth's atmosphere completely, we hitch a ride with Colin Vearncombe and Sam Brown, and Fly Up to the Moon.