We have no meanings for "ask a boon" in our records yet.
1 Remember, it is you who came to us to ask a boon .
2 You seek the Sage to ask a boon and find direction for your life.
3 The Caliph was delighted and said, 'O Shajarat al-Durr, ask a boon of me.'
4 Thou wouldst ask a boon of me!
5 She would have said: 'Would that the king were here that I might ask a boon of him.'
6 And now if I ask a boon of you, will you forget afterwards that it ever was asked?
7 He told me, while I was trembling at his sight, these words,-'Do thou ask a boon of me.'
8 And if thou wilt now ask a boon of me, if it be not over great, I will grant it thee.
9 If I might ask a boon , it would be that my regiment may be sent to join the force of Marshal Turenne.
10 So he begged his lord to wrap a cloak around his head that he might get the courage to ask a boon .
11 Think not, austere judge, that I come to ask a boon that can affect yourself,- Icomebut to ask a day's respite for another!
12 And now she was bidden to ask a boon ; and she must needs do it, or the displeasure of the King would light upon her.
13 Conradin had been wont to chant his praises, to-night he asked a boon .
14 Then said the Khalif to Noureddin, ' Ask a boon of me.'
15 He had asked a boon of it, and it graced him with a kiss.
16 "Before I deliver it to you," he said, "I ask a boon . "
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