Corbyn has previously said he would never authorisetheuse of Trident.
President Barack Obama has asked Congress to formally authorisetheuse of military force against Islamic State militants.
Under pressure from the United States, the Turkish parliament has passed a motion to authorisetheuse of force.
Soon after being elected Labour leader in 2015, Corbyn said categorically that he would never authorisetheuse of nuclear weapons.
The UK has drafted a resolution which, if passed, would authorisetheuse of force to protect civilians from chemical weapons.
They say they will "not let a proposed resolution pass that would authorisetheuse of force" against Iraq.
We welcome the FAA's leadership and support their guidance to safely authorisetheuse of UASs for the motion picture and television industry.
He opposed the Iraq war but was not in the Senate at the time of the vote to authorisetheuse of force.
In interviews on Good Morning Britain and the Today programme, Thornberry was asked if Jeremy Corbyn would ever authorisetheuse of nuclear weapons.
It was too early to say whether a second resolution would be needed to authorisetheuse of military force against Iraq, he added.
He said the boys were violent and threatening, and defended the calls made at the time, including his own to authorisetheuse of teargas.
But Lavrov said on Monday that the Security Council alone could authorisetheuse of external force against Syria, warning against imposing "democracy by bombs".
The EU is seeking UN security council backing for a British-drafted resolution authorisingtheuse of force.
Even if they do, France and Russia say they will veto a resolution authorisingtheuse of force.
Europe's veterinary experts will tomorrow consider authorisingtheuse of vaccine to counter the spread of foot-and-mouth disease.
Whether with Yakoub Khan's cognisance or not, they authorisedtheuse of his name by the insurgent leaders.