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The future of automotivesafety isn't about more airbags or stronger steel.
But Bahnmueller, a 49-year-old executive in automotivesafety, has recently been testing a new solution.
Extra testing is surely prudent in an industry plagued by frequent and costly automotivesafety recalls.
Even automotivesafety has been seen as a possible vehicle with which big government could attack Beck.
The company was an early pioneer of automotivesafety systems in the 1960s, according to its website.
HVAL products support applications, such as automotivesafety devices, touchscreen controllers, low-voltage motor drivers and integrated motor controllers.
Motor Industry Association chief executive David Crawford said it was the biggest automotivesafety recall in New Zealand's history.
Chrysler is using NASA's research into navigation sensors in automotivesafety systems like adaptive cruise control and blind-spot detection.
This response has merit, but its narrow focus on automotivesafety ignores a broader issue: The trolley problem pervades American jurisprudence.
To study a blast's effect, the Army considered experimenting with crash-test dummies, the biometric mannequins used by engineers to improve automotivesafety.
Feds Will Require All New Vehicles to Talk to Each Other The future of automotivesafety isn't about more airbags or stronger steel.
The supplier of automotivesafety systems posted profit, excluding items, of $268 million, or $2.31 a share.
ZF, a major provider of steering systems and powertrains, would get a leading maker of automotivesafety products, such as brakes and air bags.
The automotivesafety parts supplier showed up at CES this month with a prototype wheel that senses the driver's touch, and communicates through LEDs.
Now Terrafugia can add some automotivesafety features such as airbags, crumple zones and a safety cage, and still qualify as a Light Sport Aircraft.
Automotivesafety company Takata and Paul Allen are investors in the company.