We have no meanings for "barbarous tribes" in our records yet.
1 Such treachery would have been surprising among the barbarous tribes of the Athabasca.
2 Wherefore all the Easterns, and barbarous tribes in those regions, swear by Simeon.
3 But with some more or less barbarous tribes quite a different idea prevails.
4 At that time nearly all of Europe was inhabited by rude barbarous tribes .
5 His work is to build up peace and order and to civilise barbarous tribes .
6 Many barbarous tribes during Justinian's reign were admitted to the Christian faith and fellowship.
7 He educated and unified these barbarous tribes , put an end to their shedding of blood.
8 These characters place him between the Toltecan and the more barbarous tribes of the New World.
9 The most barbarous tribes would defend their liberty.
10 In confirmation of which, see the infinite variety of languages amongst the barbarous tribes of South America.
11 And barbarous tribes in thousands flocked around
12 Among these invaders, as with all barbarous tribes , there was no such thing as an absolute rule.
13 Volumes might be written of their apostleship among barbarous tribes ; we have room only for a few words.
14 Some of the other barbarous tribes who roamed about plundering villages and attacking cities did far greater damage.
15 Savage and barbarous tribes are unprogressive.
16 But this evening when night comes, we shall rise and leave our tomb, and fly these barbarous tribes !
Other examples for "barbarous tribes"
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This collocation consists of: Barbarous tribes through the time
Barbarous tribes across language varieties