You can study VET subjects via pre-apprenticeship programs or a school- basedapprenticeship.
The survey asked firms for their views on the Standard BasedApprenticeship Scheme.
He visited a company that provides tech- basedapprenticeships, called WhiteHat.
The standards basedapprenticeships follow a sandwich structure, with four periods on the job alternating with three off.
This is how Peter McCabe, director of business development with the Construction Industry Federation, describes the implementation of standards basedapprenticeship.
All work placements for students, many of them from overseas, will be suspended immediately as will all school- basedapprenticeships and traineeships.
THE traditional four year apprenticeship route to qualified motor mechanic is in the process of being replaced by the new standards basedapprenticeship.
The new standards- basedapprenticeship usually takes four years and follows a sandwich-type structure with alternating periods of training on and off the job.
She said if midwives had a longer hospital- basedapprenticeship then the public would be reassured that mothers and babies were in safer, more experienced hands.