We have no meanings for "bestow on man" in our records yet.
1 The best gift we can bestow on man is manhood.
2 Surely I have honoured you with the richest gift woman can bestow on man : myself.
3 An unblemished past, an innocent passion, a future stretching out unstained before you-whatmore can God bestow on man and maid?...
4 It's a proof that the gifts bestowed on man are very equally divided.
5 Therefore it seems that grace and virtues are not bestowed on man by Baptism.
6 Objection 1: It seems that grace and virtues are not bestowed on man by Baptism.
7 Likewise, since this sacrament bestows on man the perfection of spiritual age, as stated above (AA.
8 2: Further, grace and virtues are bestowed on man by Baptism.
9 When, however, it has been given, then it is the spirit of man, or a gift bestowed on man .
10 (4) Whether grace and virtues are bestowed on man by Baptism?
11 His birth was noble, his fortune affluent; his natural gifts were the rarest which nature bestows on man , genius and beauty.
12 Accordingly when a man is said to have the grace of God, there is signified something bestowed on man by God.
13 This is why I object to the praise which is bestowed on men of genius for qualities which do not deserve praise.
14 Therefore the Divine knowledge which is bestowed on man , should be called a gift of reason rather than a gift of understanding.
15 Now it has been stated (ad 1) that the effect of Confirmation can be bestowed on man before Baptism, whereas the sacrament cannot.
16 So sure were the Egyptians that the cat possessed a soul that they deemed it worthy of the same funeral rites they bestowed on man .
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