Aggravated by motion; more fullness in the forehead; bilioustemperament.
Mr. Stearine came next,- atall ,thinman, with a large, bony frame, and a bilioustemperament.
Also, it is seldom noticed with how many patients, particularly of nervous or bilioustemperament, eggs disagree.
Her large size, large brain, and preponderance of bilioustemperament seemed to call for much sleep and moderate motion.
He had clearly exchanged the sanguine for the bilioustemperament, and was fast stranding on the rocky shores of prose.
He was of a sanguine- bilioustemperament, the bile passed into his blood, and a violent liver attack was the result.
Because disposition to anger is due to a bilioustemperament; and of all the humors, the bile moves quickest; for it is like fire.
But those men whose dry and bilioustemperament makes them always look as if they had eaten a sour apple;
His features were harsh, bold, predatory; a slightly yellowish tinge about the temples and cheek bones, suggestive of the ivory ornament, proclaimed a bilioustemperament.
"Who knows-ifyou had been of a bilioustemperament, the face of our history might wear a pug nose and a weak chin."