She threw her large blackkerchief over her head and pinned it together under her chin.
He wore a turban and his entire face, except for his eyes, was covered with a blackkerchief.
She wiped the blood off on a blackkerchief the Blackguards carried for such purposes-blackdidn't show hard-to-explainbloodstains.
She wore a grey dress, with a blackkerchief over her fair hair; her face was pale, and finely cut.
His sodden hood hung around his face, but Seregil could make out the blackkerchief masking his nose and mouth.
She had on some kind of bib or a blackkerchief tied around her neck and hanging down to cover her chest.
The capo subordinato, his eyes squinting, his forehead creased in ignorance and suspicion, reached into his pocket and pulled out a large blackkerchief.
It is said that the blackkerchiefs worn both in the British and American Navies started as mourning for Lord Nelson.