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The red oxide corresponds to the blackoxide of iron.
It often contains MAGNETITE (the magnetic blackoxide of iron) and OLIVINE (a greenish magnesian silicate).
In some places it is obtained from what is called the specular iron ore, and also from blackoxide.
These cliffs proved, as Bennie had already suspected, to be a gigantic outcrop of pitchblende or blackoxide of uranium.
Use equal parts of boiled oil, white lead, pipe clay and blackoxide of manganese, and form it into a paste.
The ore (probably the blackoxide) was like sand, and was put in at the top of the furnace, mixed with charcoal.
Early in his experimental career Scheele undertook the solution of the composition of blackoxide of manganese, a substance that had long puzzled the chemists.
"Possibly it's blackoxide of manganese you want?" he said, quietly.
The most abundant oxidised ores are the carbonates, malachite and chessylite; the silicates, as also the red and blackoxides, occur less abundantly.
"Eradicating ink is simply a bleaching process," she remarked, "which leaves the iron of the ink as a white oxide instead of a blackoxide.