At the easements sate the high- borndames and many comely maids, decked out in brave attire.
Where are the high- borndames, and where Their gay attire, and jewelled hair, And odors sweet?
Then the child of the noble Uta held withal the power over the lands, which well beseemed such high- borndames.
It was very numerous, and all the more brilliant in appearance, since it comprised nearly as many high- borndames as nobles.
The peasant was there, and the shepherd, and the lords and beggars and high- borndames, all those whom Ethelried had ever befriended.
Around the door of the cabinet were groups of high- borndames and titled lords, who all drew back to let him pass.
When these high- borndames met each other in the vestibule, they spoke with heavy voices and expressive gestures, emphasizing their words energetically.
"Tournaments and courts of love were not framed for village churls, but for high- borndames and mighty earls."