We have no meanings for "carrion" in our records yet.
1 The sight of the carrion bird made both of the boys shudder.
2 The hyena smelt the carrion and licked herself, wearied by the delay.
3 The hawk had singled out a quarry from among the carrion crew.
4 The carrion birds in the high branches took flight all at once.
5 And it stank-theodor of foul carrion after days in the sun.
6 Thus carrion was shot into Negropont from such engines by Mahomed II.
7 So they made two deadfalls with the carrion half way between them.
8 You never fail to see the common vulture where there is carrion .
9 Here was the monstrous carrion - beast then at last, sunning himself and waiting.
10 You would eat the carrion of your own dead, rather than starve.
11 Behind them, the first of the carrion eaters dropped from the sky.
12 If you resort to eating carrion , you should cook it whenever possible.
13 Crowds of eagles, vultures, and carrion - crows were already feasting on the remains.
14 The vultures pass up such poisonously hot carrion too-they'velearned their lesson.
15 And beside him, equally hideous, stood two powerful hyenas-carrion-eatersconsorting with carrion .
16 There's safety in numbers, but we fight together, like buzzards over carrion .
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