His claim that the CatholicChurchhierarchy did not understand paedophilia is irrelevant, and a distraction.
Zollitsch defended the tax decree during a meeting of the CatholicChurchhierarchy in Fulda this week.
Both the Fianna Fáil hierarchy and the Irish CatholicChurchhierarchy are facing crises, although of a different order.
The U.S. CatholicChurchhierarchy opposes Trump's attempt to cut federal assistance for cities that give sanctuary to illegal immigrants.
Cardinal Desmond Connell apologised following allegations the CatholicChurchhierarchy was aware of numerous allegations of sex abuse within the Dublin Diocese.
Its archbishop has traditionally played a major role in the American CatholicChurchhierarchy and in relations with local and national political leaders.
Meanwhile, back home, he finds himself at loggerheads with sections of the Irish CatholicChurchhierarchy over the Government's proposed limited abortion legislation.