That's exactly what Smooth 'N Shine celebritystylist Larry Sims did 15 years ago.
The flashy attire was put together by celebritystylist and costume designer Zerina Akers, who currently styles Beyoncé.
He married celebritystylist Tameka Foster in 2007, divorcing in 2009.
The celebritystylist took to Instagram yesterday to write: Thank you to our true friends for sticking by us.
Here to enlighten you about the two major bikini trends dominating this season is celebritystylist Natalia De Martin.
EBONY: Besides being a celebritystylist, what else would you like to be known for in the hair industry?
Australian celebritystylist Elliott Garnaut branded one-toed heels "foul" and added they were a "senseless fashion faux pas".
Her celebritystylist was none other than her mother, Mary Alice, who helped prep her lighter tresses for the night.
Turbaned London-based celebritystylist Marisn Kihogo offset her shocking pink trousers, silver sandals and tribal jewellery with a faux fur wrap.
Turbaned London-based celebritystylist Marisn Kihogo offset her shocking pink trousers, silver sandals and tribal jewelry with a faux fur wrap.
In January 2016, BJC will be at New York Men's Fashion Week and the collection will be styled by celebritystylist June Ambrose.
During the commercial, the women bask in their natural glory while showcasing styles through the artistic creation of Pantene celebritystylist, Chuck Amos.
Kim Alexis will host, and supermodel Beverly Johnson, celebritystylist Robert Verdi and Wilhelmina president Sean Patterson make up the panel of judges.
Sophie's followers were quick to congratulate her on the news with Bec Judd, celebritystylist Lana Wilkinson and WAG Emma Hawkins among the well-wishers.
Sans the magical hands of celebritystylist Tippi Shorter, the guru responsible for the look, how does one achieve a chic, multi-textured cut like Alicia?
Paris Hilton owns the words "that's hot" and successfully sued Hallmark greetings cards for using it, while celebritystylist Rachel Zoe trademarked "bananas".