The five side chapels and centralnave appeared deserted.
The centralnave of the Palace of the Liberal Arts is wholly occupied by this exhibit.
Above, again, rose the third storey, two great arches that lighted the large rose of the centralnave.
They walked down a centralnave with large gilt-framed pictures hanging on the brown and white marble walls.
The collective exhibit in agriculture and the special tobacco exhibit were located in and adjoining the centralnave of the Palace of Agriculture.
It was too much to hope it was an exit to the outside, but it would at least get them clear of the centralnave.
Ahead, the transept areas to either side of the altar had been roped off, but there were plenty of empty seats in the centralnave.
The long centralnave stretched four hundred feet ahead of him, bisected by a three-hundred-foot transept, forming a cross with the altar at the center.