Doctors started injecting him with human chorionicgonadotropin, a hormone that prompts more testosterone production.
These findings were closely consistent with the decrease in serum levels of beta-human chorionicgonadotropin.
Furthermore, for human chorionicgonadotropin and prostate-specific antigen, the slopes of the fitting lines were significantly higher than 1.
Quick regression of serum human chorionicgonadotropin level and cervical mass, fertility preservation, and a short hospital stay were observed.
On the first occasion, he claimed the excess level of human chorionicgonadotropin hormone was a consequence of "over-trained athlete syndrome".
In addition, the IGSK-3 cell line was immunocytochemically positive for human chorionicgonadotropin-beta and epidermal growth factor receptor, and negative for vascular endothelial growth factor.
Conclusions: These data demonstrate the preferential expression of the diphtheria toxin A-chain gene, regulated by the human chorionicgonadotropin promoter, to ovarian cancer cell lines.
It is believed that during pregnancy these tumors are more likely to increase androgen production due to the elevated levels of human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG).
All cycles were categorized into three groups according to the E2 level on the day of the human ChorionicGonadotropin trigger.