The nanomaterial landscape is so vast that a high-throughput combinatorialapproach is required to understand structure-function relationships.
So far 27 colour analyses have been described using fluorescently labelled chromosome painting probes in a so-called combinatorialapproach.
The biogeographic patterns recovered in this study were better addressed with a combinatorialapproach including climate, watersheds, and rivers.
Our studies not only validate the ChIPMotifs and ChIPModules combinatorialapproach but also identify a possible new regulatory partner of OCT4.
A total of 24 vinylamycin analogues with modification of the OH group and chiral centers were generated via a combinatorialapproach.
The original synthesis of compounds related to LLW62 was developed on Rink resin as part of a "one-bead, one-compound" combinatorialapproach for on-bead screening purposes.
Further, we offer suggestions on possible inhibitor combinatorialapproaches and the potential for tumor specificity for Polß-inhibitors.
Combinatorialapproaches involving high-throughput screening have emerged as key tools for identifying materials to control bacterial attachment.
Treatment within the field of malignant gliomas is evolving to emphasize combinatorialapproaches that work synergistically to improve patient outcomes.
We conclude by proposing new strategies that are built on current vaccine technologies and improved upon with novel combinatorialapproaches.