Human illness, a type of color blindness.
Examples for "achromatopsia "
Examples for "achromatopsia "
1 Our results demonstrate that GNAT2 is the third gene implicated in achromatopsia .
2 We describe a patient with persistent cerebral achromatopsia occurring after bilateral occipital strokes.
3 The vision in typical complete achromatopsia is mediated only by rods.
4 Conclusion: We report the occurrence of CNGB3 - achromatopsia in a new canine breed, the MAS.
5 Patients with cerebral achromatopsia are commonly said to suffer due to their disturbed colour sense.
1 Ryan is one of few critics who have consistently criticized television's monochromatism .
2 You were born with a condition called rod monochromatism .
3 In the other patients, either rod monochromatism or cone-rod dystrophy could not be excluded with certainty.
1 We have performed linkage analysis in eight families with rod monochromacy, an autosomal recessively inherited condition with complete color blindness .
1 We have performed linkage analysis in eight families with rod monochromacy , an autosomal recessively inherited condition with complete color blindness.
2 This defines an interval of approximately 3 cM covering the ACHM2 locus for rod monochromacy .
1 You were born with a condition called rod monochromatism .
2 In the other patients, either rod monochromatism or cone-rod dystrophy could not be excluded with certainty.
1 The vision in typical complete achromatopsia is mediated only by rods.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for complete achromatopsia