New interest has recently been awakened in old controversies concerningtherelations of Christianity and Buddhism.
But before the two begin their clandestine work, let us say a few words concerningtherelations between them.
We have ample testimony concerningtherelations of seigneur and habitant in early Canada, and it comes from many quarters.
The whole matter concerningtherelations between the cities and the peasants requires much more study than has hitherto been done.
Mr. Punchinello has lately received a medical publication, in which there are some editorial remarks concerningtherelations between physicians and their patients.
Rymer, Thomas, Historiographer-royal, and the compiler Of Foedera- acollectionof historical documents concerningtherelations of England and foreign powers (1639-1714
(Vienna, July 25, 1781, to his father, who had heard all manner of tales concerningtherelations of Mozart and Constanze Weber.)