When the wind blows straight against a sail, certain eddies are produced which cause a convolute stream around its edges.
The term actually stands for "Korean Augmentees to the U.S. Army" -more proof that the military can convolute anything into an acronym.
Will make clear everything I have convoluted with my memory and my coldness.
It was typically convoluted-Marywas good at convoluting-butshe was also very sensible and practical.
The spectacle of the legal procedure showed how a literate practice ended up convoluting justice.
Treatment planning incorporating organ motion was done manually by convolving the static dose distribution with patient-specific PDF.
Yet splicing rates can be convolved by the time it takes for transcription, spliceosome assembly and spliceosome disassembly.
We modeled the expected activation time course by convolving a temporal description of the behavioral task with an empirically determined impulse response function.