Even Aldi, with its focus on home brands, stocks Arnotts Tim Tams alongside their copycatproduct.
There's some appeal: This summer, Facebook began experimenting internally with its own Nextdoor copycatproduct, called Neighborhoods.
They'll be the first you'll see in the market with a copycatproduct when there's a new opportunity, like a tablet market.
But the number of those expiries has fallen and impending regulatory changes will reduce the advantage of being first to launch a copycatproduct.
In a blog post, TikTok's chief executive dismissed Reels as a " copycatproduct" and slammed Facebook for its "maligning attacks... disguised as patriotism."
Its strategy has always been to be the "fast executioner", the first in the market with a copycatproduct when a new opportunity is presented.
Trademark registrations enable entrepreneurs and companies to protect their brands and bring lawsuits against copycatproducts.
European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager is also looking into how Amazon uses merchants' data to make copycatproducts.