Examples for "cozy "
Examples for "cozy "
1 In the winter it was cozy ; in the summer it was ideal.
2 Yet images from the time depict people posing in shockingly cozy groups.
3 To take just one example, the advertisement touted the restaurant's cozy atmosphere.
4 Over the years, the two companies have undoubtedly had a cozy relationship.
5 Its scale speaks of the then - cozy business relations between London and Tehran.
1 It also reveals exactly how ' cosy ' each species was with each other.
2 Its scale speaks of the then - cosy business relations between London and Tehran.
3 The scullery was warm and cosy , in spite of all the draughts.
4 Learn more Winter is the time to bring out your cosy favourites.
5 It is a perfect colour for bedrooms and promotes good, cosy dreams.
1 Before that cozey fire they chatted.
2 "So cozey a room for a single man!" sighed Strahan.
3 "So cozey a room for a single man!"
1 Visit Website Sewing a custom biner cozie is good Beta for cooking inside your portalege.
2 Is as cozie a beil as a body could see;
3 His mittens and hose were cozie and bien;
1 As Mrs Pargetter poured the tea , Moss commented on the Fair-Isle tea cosy .
2 Finn took the tea cosy from his pocket and placed the cold hands inside.
3 Once she presented him with a tea cosy .
4 But the tea cosy in the centre promises compensation in the way of small comforts and affection.
5 It's a tea cosy . ' She smiled faintly.
1 Fourth row:-Needleor pin case, tea cosey , lady's belt bag, watch fob ready for fastenings.
2 Third row:-Pinball (has saddler's felt between the two leather disks), tea cosey , gentleman's card case or bill book.
1 The bitter tea grew cold, despite the tea cozy .
2 Mom sat at the table, drinking a cup of tea ; the pot with its tea cozy was beside her.
3 The whole idea of the " tea cozy " mystery (one in which the body is not evident) is a British mystery novel genre.
1 He was so comfortable and cosey and the story-book was so interesting.
2 Was there ever any other house with such cosey nooks in it?
3 This cosey room seems to say, 'We won't force ourselves on you.
4 It was a cosey room in which the girl found herself-morethan that-luxurious
5 Several minutes still elapsed, and the cosey quietude of her drawing-room pleased her.
6 But here we close the window-shutters, and make ourselves cosey by a coal-fire.
7 The Club house is an old place with low rooms and all cosey .
8 But bleak November found no admittance in Mrs. Alford's cosey parlor.
9 How bright, and warm, and cosey its lamplighted interior would be.
10 It doesn't hurt the towels and it's cosey for the toad.
11 They had always been her comforters, those wide, shallow, cosey stairs.
12 We'll have a nice, cosey home here a year from to-day.
13 Now we will light up, and look cosey when the boys come back.
14 At this subsequent interview, the two young women chatted briskly in a cosey corner.
15 But the interior was bewildering to Selma's gaze in its suggestion of cosey comfort.
16 The Fairfield library was a most cosey and attractive room.
Other examples for "cosey"
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Cosey across language varieties