Accuracy depended critically on achieving small standard deviations in fluorescence centroid determination, chromatic aberration across the measurement field, and coverslip thickness.
The neutrophils were loaded with fura-2 and allowed to adhere to albumin-coated glass coverslips.
Elongated morphology and decreased cell area were noted, as compared with cells on fibronectin-coated coverslips.
By using intracellular calcium imaging techniques, calcium influx was monitored in cells grown on coverslips.
Optimal conditions for light microscopy are achieved by culturing cells on coverslips coated with formvar film.
Differences between fetal and calf serum-incubated fibroblasts grown on coverslips were observed within 15 minutes of exposure.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae forms a biofilm in flow cells on glass coverslips as well as on primary cervical epithelial cells.
Hybridization was carried out under plastic coverslips, resulting in a fluorescent pattern that was quantified using a confocal laser scanner.
Primary human airway cell cultures were established as monolayers on glass collagen-coated coverslips or on semipermeable membranes at an air-fluid interface.
Coverslips with isolated neurites were pulse labeled with 3H-leucine for 30 min, and fixed for autoradiography to identify sites of protein synthesis.