Understanding the causes of these divergences might increase the curability of SCCs.
No definite consensus has been reached on local extension factors and curability.
TNM stage, operative curability, gross type were independent predictive factors of survival for younger patients.
Pathologic staging and operative curability are the independent predictive factors of survival for younger patients.
Results revealed universal dimensions of pain such as time, intensity, location, quality, cause and curability.
Multivariate analysis revealed that the most significant independent prognostic factor was histological curability, followed by peritoneal dissemination.
These ideas of the curability of the disease and of its non-heredity are extremely important and supremely suggestive.
In no case, will I undertake to pass on the curability of the stammerer without a diagnosis first being made.
High curability and a hugely supportive community to help guide you through it and a range of treatment options are available.
This letter proves that my claims and assertions regarding the curability of diphtheria by natural methods are not extravagant or untrue.
We examined patients' beliefs related to efficacy of regular checkups for detection, potential negative treatment effects, and perceived curability of cancer.
Background: Therapeutic strategies to suppress local recurrence, including lateral lymph node metastasis, are important to improve the curability of rectal cancer.
Conclusion: ESD for EGC can be performed safely and can achieve high curability with good prognosis in elderly patients aged ≥80 years.
Context: Although surgical resection is the only curative therapeutic option for recurrent or metachronous pancreatic carcinomas, most such cancers are beyond surgical curability.
This paper aims to summarize evidence, trying to outline an overview of DDR implications not only in TGCT curability, but also in resistance to chemotherapy.
Therefore, 5-year statistics are not adequate, and 10 or 20 years' follow-up is required to evaluate the curability of this disorder.