The weather was severe, and he, being too much intoxicated, took no precaution in thus exposing his debilitatedframe to its influence.
Thaddeus bowed to her, and still sustaining the debilitatedframe of the general on his arm, advanced to the side of the coach.
He therefore prescribed that the change should be postponed for a few days, until he had applied some stimulants and restoratives to the debilitatedframe.
A sudden flash from the departing spirit seemed to have animated her- anewand vehement energy, which strangely contrasted with her weak and debilitatedframe.
Our blankets did not suffice this evening to keep us in tolerable warmth; the slightest breeze seeming to pierce our debilitatedframes.
Our blankets did not suffice this evening to keep us in tolerable warmth; the slightest breeze seeming to pierce through our debilitatedframes.