Some third-party collectors charge lenders a fee to recover money from delinquentborrowers.
They are also aimed at helping delinquentborrowers stay out of the foreclosure process.
Currently, mortgage companies are hamstrung by contracts that force them to foreclose on delinquentborrowers.
Banks also booked some loan-loss reverses as profit as an improving economy reduced the number of delinquentborrowers.
They agreed to "pause" or delay pending foreclosures for delinquentborrowers by up to 30 days.
Then there are collections from delinquentborrowers and from franchisees who depend on Nova Sicilia for their plant security.
In September, FHA was expanded to allowed delinquentborrowers to refinance if they fell behind due to an interest rate spike.
The step comes amid a growing furor over how the largest U.S. mortgage lenders are repossessing the homes of delinquentborrowers.
First, securitization, whatever its other shortcomings, is not an important factor in stopping loan servicers from cutting deals with delinquentborrowers.
The banks would also provide $17 billion in principal reduction and loan modifications for delinquentborrowers who are facing foreclosure.
If servicers moved more quickly to modify loans or foreclose on delinquentborrowers, it could help the two firms to minimize losses.
New Delhi has pledged to stop interfering in lending decisions and has made it more onerous for tycoons-turned- delinquentborrowers to get new loans.
In one important provision, sources said, the reform would allow seriously delinquentborrowers to refinance their troubled loans despite having missed past mortgage payments.
Servicing companies, the agency said, face the stress of dealing with many delinquentborrowers as the student loan market has grown rapidly and deteriorated.
Some of these charge lenders a fee to recover money from delinquentborrowers, while others buy the debt and keep whatever they can recover.
Not surprisingly, the word "bankruptcy," attached to the idea of delinquentborrowers, has run into a lot of resistance on Capitol Hill.