Officials have made clear they are not interested in copying the Western democraticmodel.
Others with a right-wing economic perspective are deeply suspicious of the social democraticmodel advocated by the EU.
It also advocated a more democraticmodel of church governance that favoured collegiality over strict notions of papal supremacy.
Regrettably, Australia's social democraticmodel is now under fierce attack from those who believe our public sector is too large.
Saroukhan said Turkey was afraid of the " democraticmodel" established in northern Syria and was trying to block it.
While I'm on whatever happened to the much trumpeted Anglo-saxon model that was supposed to be superior to the European social democraticmodel?
Members of Hong Kong's pro-democracy opposition and students occupied key streets for months last year in protest at what they call Beijing's "fake" democraticmodel.
His character was formed on these sturdy democraticmodels.
Can it even be idealism when there are social democraticmodels working internationally that reduce this inequality?