A pronoun that points out an intended referent.
Examples for "demonstrative "
Examples for "demonstrative "
1 In fact, their main purpose seems to be demonstrative , rather than informative.
2 In nothing was he demonstrative or impulsive; but always considerate and cool.
3 The least demonstrative of all those interested in the event was Giselle.
4 His final months at Everton were demonstrative of a rapidly waning ability.
5 Of love it may be said, the less earthly the less demonstrative .
1 Assent or agreement were indicated by a repetition of the verb or by employing an emphatic demonstrative pronoun .
2 The want of more distinctions between the demonstrative pronouns is also greatly felt.
3 72 This interpretation, taken without doubt from Pseudo-Jonathan (see Note 60), explains the demonstrative pronoun .
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for demonstrative pronoun