But this devoutly desiredconsummation did not come to pass.
The Prince was indignant at these violent measures, which retarded rather than advanced the desiredconsummation.
It is plain I have some distance to go yet before I attain that devoutly desiredconsummation.
Though I am very ready to admit that she is much improved by this-shallI call it, desiredconsummation?'
If he could bring this desiredconsummation to pass, by harming Sandy and, incidentally, Cynthia Walden and Marcia Lowe, so much the better.
I have demonstrated to you that everything is ordered-everyprevious step taken-allsafe, by experience shown to be safe, for the long- desiredconsummation.
He emphasised the necessity for keeping such orchards under military control, only vouchsafing sufficient powers to the local authorities to ensure the desiredconsummation.
They are of such importance that we may with confidence patiently await the desiredconsummation that will surely come with the natural progress of events.