He, too, was a devoutworshiper at the shrine of art.
Dare he trust this woman, known to be a devoutworshiper of Egypt's gods?
Each devoutworshiper can point out the errors and absurdities of every other religion excepting his own.
The Pentecostians were " devout men," the eunuch was a devoutworshiper, Saul of Tarsus was a conscientious man, Cornelius was devout and a philanthropist.
Following the sound of the voices he found a company of devoutworshipers.
Who would hinder so devoutworshipers of the gods from taking a pleasure drive?
In the church there were many devoutworshipers; but they witnessed Colin's and Marietta's marriage with amazement.
Many of the southern garrisons were devoutworshipers of the Twelve Gods and regarded the Winterlands as a wilderness of heresy.
They appear to have been peacefully disposed and devoutworshipers of those deities from whom the better attributes of Jehovah were subsequently borrowed.
And yet in their sober judgment they honored these honest and devoutworshipers for their fervent piety and zeal, and wondered at their rapturous joys.
At the touch of this divine light, the mountains seemed to kindle to a rapt, religious consciousness, and stood hushed and waiting like devoutworshipers.