However, CT-guided CNB requires further development for the accurate diagnosis of well- differentiatedadenocarcinomas.
Only 50% of patients with well- differentiatedadenocarcinomas were definitely diagnosed with CT-guided CNB.
In addition, this chromosomal arm was lost more frequently in poorly differentiated , compared to well differentiatedadenocarcinomas.
We found that SGLT2 is expressed early in lung tumorigenesis and is found specifically in premalignant lesions and well- differentiatedadenocarcinomas.
The cytoplasmic type was common in well- differentiatedadenocarcinomas, and membranous or reduced expression was frequently seen in moderately- or poorly-differentiatedadenocarcinomas.
In the periphery of the metastatic lesion, residual well to moderately differentiatedadenocarcinomas were observed, and in the center, only necrotic tissue was seen.