Comcast International Holdings Incorporated and Persona DigitalTelephony Ltd initiated separate actions in 2001.
Persona DigitalTelephony and Sigma Wireless Networks' amendments mostly arise out of the findings of the Moriarty tribunal in March, 2011.
Enemies like FBI Director Louis Freeh, who, Meeks wrote, had seriously low-balled the cost estimates for implementing the administration's DigitalTelephony wiretap proposal.
Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly heard four days of submissions this week as part of an application by Persona DigitalTelephony and Sigma Wireless Networks.
Digitaltelephony peaked in 1993 at 67 percent; fixed Internet connections accounted for one percent of usage that year.
Persona DigitalTelephony and Sigma Wireless Networks were runners-up in the license competition, which was awarded to Mr O'Brien's Esat Digifone consortium in 1996.
-An Analysis of the FBI DigitalTelephony Proposal -Response of EFF-organizedcoalition to the FBI's digital telephony proposal of Fall, 1992.