He was the directantithesis of Jennings, harnessed lightning in clothes, working early and late.
It is the directantithesis of science.
Parallel with the decline of the old Semitic idolatry was the advance of its directantithesis, pure spiritual Monotheism.
Thus, while he possesses many of the sturdy pioneer virtues, he becomes by necessity the directantithesis to the riverman.
Tall, willowy and strong, of free and independent manners and habits, she was the directantithesis of the usual German woman.
Their straight features suggest a strong mixture of other than Mongolian stock and they are the directantithesis of the Chinese in every particular.
One, a bulky, stalwart, florid-faced man of forty, had something of the military aspect; the other supplied his directantithesis, being small, wizened and sallow.
13:5); compelling people to agree with you by using force is the directantithesis.