WhatsApp rolled out a three-year plan during discontinuesupport on older devices.
This would theoretically explain why developers may have thought it was best to discontinuesupport.
WhatsApp rolled out a three-year plan back in 2017 to discontinuesupport on older devices.
Social-gaming company Zynga bought Flock earlier this year, and then announced in April it would discontinuesupport of the browser.
Just last week, Google said it would discontinuesupport for its BlackBerry Gmail app, and clearly, Mountain View sees RIM's device as a has-been.
In March, Oracle announced it would discontinuesupport for the Intel-made chip and instead focus efforts on the x86 microprocessor (also Intel-made).
Adobe will discontinuesupport for Flash at the end of 2020, rendering the delightful-andsometimes disturbing-'90s -andaughts-era browser games unplayable.
Oracle's countersuit was in response to HP's initial suit that Oracle had breached contract by discontinuingsupport of Intel's Itanium chip.