This plant is ranked by many botanists as a distinctgenus.
This form of the common fresh-water CYCLOPS was described as a distinctgenus under the name of NAUPLIUS.
Macrotherium, which is typically from the Middle Miocene of Sansan, in Gers, France, may indicate a distinctgenus.
This plant is ranked by many botanists as a distinctgenus, but as a sub-genus by Bentham and Hooker.
They sometimes yield no seed, not even an empty capsule, like a species fertilised with pollen from a distinctgenus.
The Music Frog genus Nidirana was recently resurrected as a distinctgenus and contains 14 species distributed in subtropical eastern and southeastern Asia.
It is a native of Northern India, and differs so much from the other species that it was formerly named as a distinctgenus.
It was classed, until recently, in the same genus-Picus-with all other woodpeckers, but now has been ranked as a distinctgenus amongst the Picidae.
Wallace mentions a snake, a python belonging to the peculiar and distinctgenus Casarea, as found on Round Island, and nowhere else in the world.