We have no meanings for "do st" in our records yet.
1 Why does St Patrick's Day have more currency than other saints' days?
2 How did St Patrick get the gig as Ireland's patron saint?
3 Why does St Petersburg need a new opera house?
4 Tertullian, while speaking of readers and exorcists, says nothing about acolytes; neither does St Augustine.
5 Not only did St Paul speak in "unknown languages, understanding them", but he encouraged others.
6 What does St Paul mean when he says Jesus was made a little lower than the angels?
7 No great leader, surely, ever prized more the benefits of order and cohesion than did St Paul.
8 Did St Patrick really survive 40 days and 40 nights on the Reek?
9 Why did St Helena extinguish Napoleon?
10 Roddy Collins had insisted beforehand that his side wouldn't be in the business of doing St Patrick's Athletic any favours.
11 The tradition that he preached to birds prompted the author Rebecca West to ask: Did St Francis preach to the birds?
12 And so do St John and the Psalmist agree in the same gospel, and good news, of the mystery of Christ The Word.
13 Not only did St Malo and Rouen secure recognition, but La Rochelle and St Jean de Luz were given a chance to participate.
14 The three of us were partners there from 1992 before Fergus and John went off and did St John together in '95.
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