He was on the team that developed the Erbium- dopedfiber amplifier.
Every issue is densely freighted with talk of lambdas, petahertz, and erbium- dopedfiber amplifiers.
We demonstrate a polarization maintaining, figure-eight erbium- dopedfiber laser with a dispersion managed cavity.
We demonstrate the first erbium- dopedfiber amplifier operating in a single, large-mode area, higher-order mode.
The pulses are generated in a passively modelocked, erbium- dopedfiber laser, and amplified in a short, erbium-dopedfiber amplifier.
This efficiency corresponds to the state of the art for clad-pumped Ho- dopedfiber lasers in the 100 W power class.
We demonstrate a seven-core erbium- dopedfiber amplifier in which all the cores were pumped simultaneously by a side-coupled tapered multimode fiber.
A switchable and tunable multi-wavelength Tm- dopedfiber laser is successfully demonstrated using a filter constructed with two tapered fiber elements in the cavity.
We report on our realization of a high-power holmium dopedfiber laser, together with the validation of our numerical simulation of the laser.
Supercontinuum extending to visible wavelengths is generated in a hybrid silica nonlinear fiber pumped at 1560 nm by a femtosecond, erbium- dopedfiber laser.