From July 1st, drivers on a second provisional licence will no longer be allowed to driveunaccompanied.
Only in Formula One, going wheel to wheel at speeds of 200mph, does Max Verstappen driveunaccompanied.
Learner drivers should be allowed to driveunaccompanied and moves to prevent them are "anti-rural" independent TD Danny Healy-Rae has said.
Let's legislate that it's okay for a learner driver to driveunaccompanied, so long as it's not done for the purpose of having an accident.
Young people who fail their driving test should not be allowed to driveunaccompanied on public roads, the Consumers' Association of Ireland (CAI) has said.
Over half of those interviewed know a learner driver who drives or has drivenunaccompanied.
Those on learner permits drivingunaccompanied also face a €60 fine.
Nearly one-third of drivers have admitted to drivingunaccompanied as a learner, according to a new poll.
On average 240 provisional drivers are appearing before the courts each month for drivingunaccompanied, according to figures released by the Courts Services.
Learner motorists caught drivingunaccompanied will shortly face a sanction of two penalty points with a further two for failing to display L-plates.
The Irish Times has learned that the number of provisional drivers charged with drivingunaccompanied or not displaying L-plates is so small it is undetectable.
Learner drivers received 448 notices to appear in court in 2018 for drivingunaccompanied without a qualified driver, figures show.
The regulations will make drivingunaccompanied and non-display of L-plates separate road traffic offences, each punishable by a €1,000 fine on conviction.
Just over one in five learner drivers summonsed for drivingunaccompanied was convicted last year, and not one received the maximum fine of €1,000.